Citizen of the Year
Every Year the Greater Miami Shores Chamber of Commerce celebrates someone who's contribution to our community goes over and above.
Past winners have included:
2021 Angela Dorney, Director of Recreation, Miami Shores Village
2020 Douglas Romanik, Cushman High School Assistant Director, Community Advocate and Leader
2019 The Heidi Hewes Chapter of the Woman’s Cancer Association of the University of Miami
2018 The Villages of Biscayne Park, El Portal, Miami Shores and North North Bay Village
2017 In Memoriam: Dr. Susan Dombrowsky, Community Advocate & Jerry Estep, Former Miami Shores Recreation Director
2016 Sister Linda Bevilacqua, President, Barry University
2015 Dennis Kleinman, Doctors Charter School Advocate
2014 Susan Ackley, Community & Arts Activist
2013 Councilman Al Davis
2012 Lance Harke, Harke Clasby & Bushman LLC, Downtown Village Place Champion
2011 Barry University
2010 Jim McCoy, Chair of “Celebrate Village Place,” past Chamber President & Mayor
2009 Georgee’ Kluck, cancer groups, anti-drug leadership for kids, and Chamber
2008 Tammy Austin, community activist in education, cancer groups, and Chamber
2007 Robert J. Bourne, Realtor, financial support for schools, cancer society & arts
2006 Alice Burch, community activist & leadership for education and the library
2005 John L. Stokesberry, community activist and public administrator
2004 North Dade Medical Foundation, funding of Library & Charter High School
2003 Anne Piper, civic activist, SPATS, PTAs, & Girl Scouts.
2002 Bekky Leonard, leader, Prop. Owners Assoc., school districting & Girl Scouts
2001 Herta Holly, Civic Activist, Former Mayor & Chamber President
2000 Bill Heffernan, Former Mayor & Civic Leader
1999 Dottie Yates, Civic Organizer, Citz. Crime Watch, Property Owners Association
1998 Candy Becker Rengstl, Activist & Volunteer, President of SPATS
1997 Steve Johnson, Civic Activist, Former Mayor & Chamber President
1996 Donna Baxter, Civic Activist
1995 Charles Kluck, Community Activist & Chair, Taste of the Shores Festival
1994 Thomas J. Benton, Asst. Village Mgr. & Director of Public Works (Hurricane)
1993 Vincent J. Schafmeister, Jr., Community Activist, North Shore Hospital Foundation
1992 Bruce Keller, Community Activist
1991 Marty Stofik, Former Councilwoman & Civic Activist
1990 Barbara North Burton, Attorney & Community Activist
1989 Miami Country Day School (U.S. Excellence in Education Award) Miami Shores Elementary School (U.S. Excellence in Education Award)
1988 Edward Abdella, Community Activist for 25 years
1987 Helen Hollinger, Artist Sister M. Anne Berdard Gradl, IHM, Principal, St.Rose of Lima School, (U.S. Excellence in Education Award) Cesar Sastre, MD, Science-North Shore
Medical Center
1986 Joe Robbie, Owner, Miami Dolphins
1985 Antoinette Vigneron, Village Clerk (*also 1976)
1984 Sister Jeanne O’Laughlin, O.P., Ph.D., President, Barry University
1983 Ralph Renick, News Commentator, Channel 6 TV
1982 Miami Shores Village 50th Anniversary
1981 Wayne Fariss, News Anchor, Channel 7 TV
1980 Donald W. McIntosh, Former Village Mayor & Councilman
1979 Msgr. James F. Enright, Pastor, St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church
1978 Rev. J. Calvin Rose, DD, Pastor, M/S. Presbyterian Church
1977 Harold Petrey, Director, Miami Shores Recreation Department
1976 Agnes Barber Blake, President, Peoples 1st National Bankof Miami Shores, Ann Vigneron, Miami Shores Village Clerk, Katheryne Hagearty Contributions of the Community
1975 Roy M. Abagnale, Community Activist
1974 Sister Dorothy Browne, OP, PhD., President, Barry College
1973 Rear Admiral Irvin J. Stephens, USCG (Retired)
1972 Glen E. Byrd
1971 Glenn McElwain, Dedicated Merchant
1970 Dean Clausen, Village Councilman
1969 C. Lawton McCall, Village Manager
1968 Leonard A. Usina, Chair., Peoples 1st Nat’l Bank of Miami Shores